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Pharmacists CARE Initiative Resources

Resources to help you deliver medication abortion and early pregnancy loss care.

While some states are attempting to override the FDA through legislation that would impose medically unjustifiable barriers to care, the pharmacy community should know that medication abortion is FDA-approved, safe, effective, and can now be legally dispensed by certified retail and mail order pharmacies. On January 3rd, 2023, the FDA released updated Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) for Mifepristone, opening a pathway for pharmacies in all settings to become certified to dispense mifepristone.

To help you deliver medication abortion care, we have created and curated the following regulatory guidance, training materials, and clinical resources. Learn more about the Pharmacists CARE Initiative here.

  • Medication abortion care is FDA-approved, safe, and effective
  • Medication abortion has been in use for 20+ years
  • More than 4.9 million people have safely used medication abortion since its approval in 2000
  • Serious adverse events occur in fewer than 0.5% of medication abortions
  • As of 2023, medication abortions account for 63% of all US abortions
  • 99.6% effective within the first 10 weeks of gestation
  • Mifepristone and misoprostol are also used to manage early pregnancy loss or miscarriage

Getting Started

Download these Important Forms

Clinical Guides and Patient Education

Patient Education Card

This card will help patients understand when to take each step in medication abortion.
View Resource about Patient Education Card

Medication Abortion Patient Fact Sheet

Fact sheet about mifepristone and misoprostol in patient-friendly language.
View Resource about Medication Abortion Patient Fact Sheet

Medication Abortion Counseling Checklist

Follow this checklist each time you counsel a patient about mifepristone and misoprostol.
View Resource about Medication Abortion Counseling Checklist